Friday 2 November 2018

Horror Story

This week we have has the challenge to write a horror story about anything so I have decided to write about me trick or treating. My story is not  quite complete but here is a snippet of it . Hope you enjoy it!

On a dark cool night I was traveling  down the street my eyes got caught on a  on a dark shadow of a tumultuous trees I was scared. The lights were on in the house all of a sudden there was a loud creek I quiverd  Didn't think too much of it so I walked over to the house a knocked on the door all I could hear was a loud laugh coming from behind the door it's suddenly cracked  opened.

As I rapidly started to fill my basket  with lollies An old man walked up behind me I did not think to much of it until...

By Mackenzie

Friday 7 September 2018

Tye Dye

This week we have been giving the task to create a tie dye top for our art sorrie. We had a maximum of three colours  I chose pink,blue and yellow my pattern was a spiral because it was a simple design I think my top looked really good. maybe next time I could put in some more dye on the top because it had quite a few white patches.  I like my top how about you?

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Art soiree

In Totara for the art soiree we are doing tie dye tee-shirts. At our art soiree the tee-shirts will be up for auction  along with a lot of other items.
And here is my ideas and how to do it if you click on the photo of them it will go on to the link of how to do it.

Thursday 16 August 2018

Week 3 Term 3 reflection

Tēnā koutou katoa


Ko Mackenzie tōku ingoa.

Ko Clark tōku ingoa whānau.

Ko Rochelle tōku māmā.

Ko Craig tōku pāpā.

Kia ora huihui mai tātou

This week has been a busy so far we have  been working on lots of solve probability.
also we have been doing loads of argument writing.
In 3 weeks we are heading to the Marai I can not wait we get to have food and get to hear about many of there stories.

Friday 3 August 2018

Reflection term 3 week 2

This week we have been working on picture graphs and here is mine and aniyas one in our class we had more blue eyes that grey hazel and brown. 

Monday 30 July 2018

Self respect

This term we have been learning about self respect in  Whanau (family) Time Mrs O had set us a challenge to create a class presentation about self respect. Our class has worked really hard to figure out what self respect really is.
What self respect is:
*Labeled clothing 
*Looking after school property and our own property 
*Looking after clothing 
*Keep hair and body nice and clean 
*Clean chromebook